Saturday, August 02, 2008



Sometimes you just need
to take a nap and get over it.

- Maura Stuard, age 8



Lemuel said...

I'll need a *long* nap!

Anonymous said...

Wise words indeed!

r. said...

If I were to take a nap in the afternoon, I would wake up the following morning. ugh! But I'll get over it! :-)

Joe Masse said...

I'm so fond of naps, I think I've gotten over a few things that haven't happened yet.

Anthony said...

I could use one about now I think.

Butch said...

How true, I make sure I take one every day.

Matt said...

I'm hard-pressed to think of truer words ever spoken. Although it's getting close to bed-time here, I still think a nap is in order.