Friday, January 26, 2007

What are they looking for?

Recent Google searches that found this blog:

fast thumbs
- 1/26/07, Beijing
drunk busty
- 1/23/07, North America (AOL)
pin the tail on the donkey
- 1/22/07, Ontatio, Toronto
if this doesn't make you laugh
- 1/21/07, unknown
two and a half men 11-6-06
- 1/20/07, Fairport, New York
- 1/20/07, Australia
chez paul daytona picture
- 1/18/07, Rising Sun, Maryland

How do people find you?

UPDATE (1/28/07): Yesterday, two more pleople found this blog with a Google search for "drunk busty." Interestingly, they were both from non-English-speaking countries. Is there something about this phrase that I just don't get?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Excuse me, who are you texting so frantically?

- Saul Holden
Nothing frantic about it. I have fast thumbs.
- Kevin Walker
Brothers & Sisters, 1/21/07

When did fast thumbs become a positive atribute?
How do you train your thumbs? How fast is fast?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Does peeing in the shower

cure athlete's foot?
- Read in a paperback book found
at the checkout line at the grocery store.

I think it was a serious question.
It made me laugh.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

The really frightening thing about middle age ...

... is the knowledge
that you'll grow out of it.

- Doris Day

This neither inspires me nor makes me laugh.
Why did I post it?
Slap in the face honesty, maybe?


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I made my choices;

I just forgot -- for a minute --
that they were the right choices.

- Nora, Brothers & Sisters, 1/7/2007


Monday, January 08, 2007

If you guys love me,

you'll ... just ... stop ... taking care of me; and you'll call me out on my crap.
- Justin, Brothers & Sisters, 1/7/2007


Friday, January 05, 2007

If this doesn't make you laugh ...

then you don't know Paula, Randy, the dog pound, Simon, Ryan, Kelly, Ace, Kevin, Lisa, Mandisa, Bucky or ... Patrick.

Somebody's got a great sense of humor.

American Idol Patrick Hall