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On the road (?) again ...My best friend from first grade (yes, the same guy that I went on the
road trip with a couple of months ago) has finally convinced me to go on a sailing trip with him. He's somewhat of a sailing fanatic; regularly sailing to Bermuda from St. Thomas or Newport. I on the other hand, do not do well in the big open water. My two experiences with deep sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico both produced severe cases of sea sickness. We're talking about non-stop projectile vomiting for hours.
However he's put together a trip that he promises to be relatively pastoral. He's recruited me and two other buddies. We're going to be sailing through Long Island Sound and then continuing to Martha's Vineyard, where we'll meet up with my my friend's wife and kids for a week in Edgartown. The sail each way will take about two and a half days (we will anchor at night).
I'm going to be in charge of provisions (aka food and booze). Even though I'm looking forward to this task, it's not going to be easy. I usually avoid carbs at all cost, particularly cereal, bread, donuts, salty snacks, pasta, potatoes, cakes and cookies. I also do not eat mushrooms nor beans. My best friend from first grade does not eat fruit. One of his friends that's going to be joining us is a crunchy-granola vegetarian; I hear his favorite thing for breakfast is raw cauliflower. The fourth guy I've never met, and I know nothing about him.
Anyone have any menu suggestions?
I leave home next Thursday to meet up with the group in NYC. Friday we'll prep for the trip and then set sail on Saturday.
Here are a couple of photos of his boat, including "my" kitchen.